
Sunday, 8 May 2011

Tell me WHY?

Our murderers are still stationed outside and inside the Camp. The Inernational Community is silent! They are complice to what is looming over my city Ashraf.
Al-maliki forces havenot YET let our burial be done . We shall still persist out minimum rights to be BURRIED!!! with no oppression.
What is cunning is that those who claime to be defending our rights righth now (US , UNHCR and Redcross) are actually paving way for our next massacre!
Tell me WHY? Why is it that we have to give up our beleifs and then be able to have basic rights to life ? Why should we give up resisting a fascist tyranny , which is the main reason for crisis in the region and oppression of our people in Iran?
Since when is it that "Strivinf for FREEDOM" , is catagorised as "terrorism" , "sect" or what ever.?
Is it a crime to want and insist on ones right to strive for Freedom?
We have no arms, but then again the Iraqis make up lies that we have arms , the US refers to "agitations" and the Iraian regime dances with joy over our blood. DO you not see any common denomiators in all three?. That common interests is to eradicate the only resistance fighting against the Islamo-fascists in Iran.
Down with Velayat Fagih, Down with dictator


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