
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Press Conference Today BRUSSELS: United States not helping wounded

Iranian exiles in Iraq say U.S. failing to help wounded


Iran opposition says United States not helping wounded
* Future of dissident camp in Iraq uncertain
* Solutions sought after deadly clashes in April

By Justyna Pawlak
BRUSSELS, July 27 (Reuters) - An exiled Iranian opposition group criticised the United States on Wednesday for not doing enough to help victims of clashes at a dissident camp in Iraq.
Camp Ashraf, some 65 km (40 miles) from Baghdad, is the base for the People's Mujahideen Organisation of Iran, the PMOI, which mounted attacks on Iran before the U.S.-led removal of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in 2003.
The future of the camp's more than 3,000 residents is uncertain since the United States, which says the group is a terrorist organisation, turned the camp over to the Iraqi government. Baghdad plans to close it before the end of this year.
More than 30 people were killed in violence between residents and Iraqi security forces in April. Rights group Amnesty International says the residents are subject to harassment by the Iraqi government and are refused access to basic medicine.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Iraqi Youth in al-Anbar province protest against Maliki and Iranian regime, express support for Ashraf

In demonstrations in the Iraqi province of al-Anbar against Nouri al-Maliki and meddling of the Iranian regime in Iraq, the demonstrators were carrying signs condemning the killings at Ashraf. These protests were held by the al-Anbar Youth Association.

In front rows of the demonstration there was a sign saying: “Unity of the youth, a step towards liberating Iraq and building it.” Another sign said: “Acting Defense Minister! If in today’s Iraq there is any justice, then who is responsible for the killing at Camp Ashraf?”

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Ambassador Butler: Must Apologize to Iranian Political Prisoners and Families

By Mahin Saremi

Former political prisoner, activist of the 2009 election uprisings
"These people slaughtered Americans. They have blood on their hands."

If you guessed that this proclamation was to persecute and reveal the Godfather of State Terrorism, responsible for numerous assassination operations in Iraq killing US marines and soldiers to be The Iranian regime, you are completely mistaken.

This was a sharp spear aiming at defenseless Ashraf dissidents -victims of 'Iranian State Terrorism' victims of 'Iranian State Terrorism' and Maliki's inhuman massacre. The same people who are the survivors of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners by the mullahs and whose family members are now in Iranian dungeons under torture or execution.

Read More

Friday, 22 July 2011

Maryam Rajavi : International Community is reposible for Camp Ashraf saftey

"The international community cannot invoke the “sovereignty” argument to refrain from taking deterrent action. Nor can it forego its responsibilities regarding Ashraf on the pretext of signing a security agreement with Iraq."
Maryam Rajavi, Conference 20 July 2011 - Paris

Maryam Rajavi: The United States and Europe Must support EU plan for Camp Ashraf

"Truly, what is crux of matter when it comes to Ashraf, which several thousand people through a quarter-century of endeavor have turned into a beautiful city, without causing any trouble for any one? Several days ago, 525,000 residents of Diyala Province, some 60 percent of eligible voters in the Province, voiced support for the residents of Ashraf.
The religious dictatorship ruling Iran views this movement and our resistance for freedom as the engine for change in Iranian society and as an existential threat to the regime.
The existence of a democratic alternative, especially when the power struggle among the ruling clique has been aggravated, and the fall of the mullahs’ strategic ally, Syria, is looming, will lead to the overthrow of the Tehran regime. The mullahs, therefore, want to destroy the organized opposition with whatever cost or means.
Iraqi sovereignty, bestowed upon this government by the United States at an enormous price, has been invoked to justify the atrocities and the carnage against Ashraf."
Meeting in Paris - 20 July 2011

Spanish Court summon for MALIKI for murder in Camp Ashraf : Report

I am so please of the Spanish Court summoning that I would like to look back :

From NCRI sources

The court invites Ad Melkert, Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Iraq, and Struan Stevenson, President of Delegation for Relations with Iraq of the European Parliament, to stand as witnesses at the court
Maryam Rajavi: Maliki must now put an end to the siege on Ashraf and all suppressive measures against Ashraf must stop. According to the court ruling and based on Fourth Geneva Convention, the United States is obliged to stop torture and violence and must immediately take back the protection of Ashraf residents from the Iraqi government and the assailant forces in order to prevent another massacre

EFE: Howard Dean asks U.S. to transfer Iranian refugees in Iraq to the West .

Paris, July 20 (EFE – Spain News Agency) - The Iranian refugee Camp Ashraf in Iraq should be transferred in the next six months to the U.S., Canada and European countries, called the former Democratic Party chairman and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean on Friday.

The American politicians took part in an international conference held in Paris on the situation of the camp located northeast of Baghdad which was attacked on April 8 by Iraqi military, killing 35 people and wounding 377 others.
Dean told the crowd of several hundred that the United States has an obligation to do something about the situation and not much time is left.   He added that the solution is clear and American’s only have six months to get the people out of Iraq and move them to Europe, Canada or the United States.
Speaking to EFE, Dean said he expects the European Union (EU) would provide asylum immediately, since "many of them have lived on the continent, speak the languages of the EU are well aware of local culture."

Dean added that Failing to act before the yearend would put the lives of 3,400 refugees in danger.
Some 3,400 opponents of the Iranian regime belonging to the People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), live in Camp Ashraf from almost twenty years ago.  Residents put their weapons down in 1990, but are still considered terrorists by Tehran.

Since 1997, under the administration of Bill Clinton, PMOI was blacklisted by the United State.

In this respect, Dean called for removal of the group from US blacklist, as did the EU in 2009.

كنفرانس بين المللي در پاريس با حضور رئيس جمهور برگزيده مقاومت

خبرگزاري فرانسه - پاريس – 20 ژوئيه 2011 ( 29تير1390):
 مجاهدين خلق ايران، جنبش اصلي اپوزيسيون در بيرون رژيم تهران، چهارشنبه طي كنفرانسي در پاريس طرح آمريكايي جابجايي ساكنان اشرف به جايي ديگر در عراق را رد كردند.
مريم رجوي رئيس جمهور منتخب شوراي ملي مقاومت ايران ، كه سازمان مجاهدين جنبش اصلي تشكيل دهنده آن هستند، اظهار داشت: «روشن است كه يك جابجايي در داخل عراق مقدمةيك فاجعه ديگر است.»
او به حمله اخير عليه كمپ اشرف اشاره داشت  كه 3400 عضو مجاهدين در آن به سرمي برند.
در 8 آوريل، در حمله يي به كمپ اشرف توسط نيروهاي عراقي، بر اساس ارقام ارائه شده از شوراي ملي مقاومت ايران 36 تن كشته و بيش از 300تن زخمي شدند.
مجاهدين خلق ايران از سالهاي جنگ ايران و عراق (1988-1980) در زمان حكومت سابق عراق در اين كشور مستقر شده اند….
در سال 2003، نيروهاي آمريكايي در ازاي خلع سلاح مجاهدين حفاظت كمپ اشرف را برعهده گرفتند تا اينكه در سال 2009 آن را به نيروهاي عراق سپردند كه مسئولين آن روابط بسيار حسنه يي با حكومت تهران دارند.
در ژوئن امسال مقامات عراقي اعلام كردند كمپ اشرف تا پايان سال 2011 بسته خواهد شد.
در اطلاعيه پاياني  كنفرانس پاريس  كه در آن  از جمله رئيس  قبلي حزب دموكراتآمريكاهوارد دين شركت داشت، خانم رجوي يادآوري كرد وضعيت فعلي كمپ اشرف ناشي از اشغال عراق است و ايالات متحده را فراخواند تا  با حفاظت كمپ اشرف «مسئوليتهاي خود را به عهده بگيرد».
مريم رجوي همچنين يادآوري كرد كه مجاهدين « انتقال به كشورهاي ثالث» را قبول كرده اند ولي از الان تا پايان انتقال، خواستار حفاظت سازمان ملل, ايالات متحده و اتحاديه اروپا هستند.
هوارد دين، به نوبه خود گفت «زمان آن رسيده كه براي اشرف اقدام شود. دولتآمريكامسئول آنچه كه در اشرف اتفاق مي افتد، ميباشد و ما چه قبول كنيم چه نكنيم, مسئول خواهيم بود».

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Saba: We chose to Stand Firm: MEK must be delisted: Stop Massacre of Camp Ashraf

A man chants slogans during a demonstration about Camp Ashraf, outside of an EU foreign ministers meeting at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, July 18, 2011. Camp Ashraf, located in Iraq's northeast Diyala province, is the home of the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, which seeks the overthrow of Iran's leaders. The group was given sanctuary by Saddam Hussein, then protected by the American forces after the regime fell, and now falls under the jurisdiction of the Iraqi government. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

Protest in Brussels for Camp Ashraf protection ! EU We need Protection NOW!


A man holds a sign and protests about Camp Ashraf, outside of an EU foreign ministers meeting at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, July 18, 2011. Camp Ashraf, located in Iraq's northeast Diyala province, is the home of the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, which seeks the overthrow of Iran's leaders. The group was given sanctuary by Saddam Hussein, then protected by the American forces after the regime fell, and now falls under the jurisdiction of the Iraqi government. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

Lawmaker Support MEK Removal From Terrorism List: Security and Management

MEK supporters infront of State Department asking
 for Delistingof MEK

Militant Group Seeks Removal From Terrorism List, Has Lawmaker Support

By Carlton Purvis

Is 10 years enough time for a historically violent group to change its ways and persuade the State Department to remove its name from their list of foreign terrorist organizations? The Federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit thinks so. So much so that a year ago this week, it ordered the State Department to review the designation for Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). Supporters of MEK say the group ended terrorist attacks in 2001, but government documents and news reports suggest the group was still active in planning attacks as recently as 2010.

Mr. BAN KI MOON : We will Stand till the end :UN chief urges solution to Iranian exiles in Iraq

Note from SABA; nevertheless as we have said: We shall stand till the end.
We have all , freely and independently chosen that in view of the repugnant regime in Iran: Multi executions ongoing, our families in prison under torture, the endless lies of the regime to western world about immunity, the endless ties it has and sham bribes and plots , the corresponding help it gets from tens and more lobbies such as NIAC and voices such as the Rubins , Larison and .., and in view of all other de facto .. , We shall still stand our ground. The regime is weak and in its last days. We are all freedom seekers branded by a weak regime as terrorists. But then again is this not a repetitious melancholy of history?? 
The Story by Reuters :
By Patrick Worsnip
UNITED NATIONS, July 19 (Reuters) - U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon called in a report made public on Tuesday for stepped-up efforts to resolve the problem of Iranian exiles living at a camp in Iraq that was the scene of a bloody clash in April.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Iran, Mujahedin-e Khalq, and the US State Department

The Salon
By Hamid Yazdanpanah

At the end of June, the world watched as Iran test-fired 14 medium range missiles capable of reaching US and Israeli bases in the Middle East.  According to British Foreign Secretary William Hague, Iran has also been carrying out covert missile tests, “including testing of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload.”

In Syria, the Islamic Republic exercises its influence by assisting the worn-down Assad regime in brutally suppressing the Syrian people.  And in Iraq, we continue to see the hand of the Iranian regime in the ongoing violent insurgency, as well as in Maliki’s government.

U.S. Officials Call for Expeditious Review of MEK Status

Contact: Hamid Azimi, +1-415-652-1525

WASHINGTON, July 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is being released by the Iranian American Community of Northern California:

In a symposium, coinciding with the anniversary of the ruling by a U.S. Federal Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the main Iranian opposition movement, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK), former senior U.S. government officials called on the Department of State to expeditiously complete its review and remove the group from its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

A Terrifying Déjà vu in the Halls of Congress

The American Thinker
Omid Biniaz
On July 7th, 2011, the families and friends of the residents of Camp Ashraf who attended a congressional hearing into Iraq's massacre at Camp Ashraf last month, and its implications for US policy, faced a terrifying experience of their own.  Two NIAC (National Iranian American Council: hat tip: logi_cal) operatives were following them and taking their pictures. 
The hearing was held by the Oversight and Investigations Sub-committee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.   On April 8, 2011, Iraqi forces raided Camp Ashraf, killing 36 residents and wounding 345 others. 

Maliki summoned to Spanish Court

Reuters: Relatives of the camp's 3,500 residents are pressing
 for an investigation
Spain summons Iraqis over deaths of Iranian exiles

A Spanish judge has summoned three Iraqi officers over a raid by Iraqi security forces on a camp housing an Iranian exile group.
The UN says 34 people were killed in the raid at Camp Ashraf, in Diyala province, in April 2011.
Judge Fernando Andreu has summoned Gen Ali Ghaidan Majid, the head of army, and two other officers to appear.
He is investigating allegations that crimes against humanity were committed during the raid on the camp.
The investigation is an enlargement of an existing probe on a separate raid which took place at the camp in July 2009, in which 11 people were killed.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Ex- Iranian Political Prisoner: MEK is the Litmus Test for US State Department

By Mahin Saremi
18 July 2011
I have recently escaped the mullahs' dungeons to Europe, in search of Justice on behalf of political prisoners and their families. My husband, Ali Saremi was accused of being a supporter of the MEK, laying flowers on the grave of the Great National Leader Dr.Moassadegh, participating in ceremonies of mourning over the graves of 30,000 supporters of MEK and activists massacred by Khomeini, and the last and the most important; visiting my son at Camp Ashraf.

Read the article

Saturday, 16 July 2011

CNN: Iranian OPPOSITION group pushes to be removed from U.S. terror list

By Jamie Crawford, CNN National Security Producer

 Washington (CNN) -- Backers of an Iranian opposition group rallied outside the U.S. State Department on Friday demanding it be removed quickly from the U.S. list of terrorist organizations, pointing to a court ruling issued a year ago that found its rights had been violated.
More than 100 supporters of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, also known as MEK, congregated in northwest Washington to accuse the State Department of dragging its feet in deciding whether to keep them on the list of "Foreign Terrorist Organizations."


Iranians protest US ban on opposition group .

Hundreds of Iranians rallied Friday outside the US State Department on the anniversary of a US Federal Court of Appeals ruling in favour of the main Iranian opposition group, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), urging the Obama Administration to revoke the group’s status as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation.

L’avocat général de la CEJ, rejette le pourvoi de la France formé contre l’arrêt du tribunal en faveur de l’OMPI et appelle les 13 juges de la CEJ à le suivre

Ce 14 juillet, Mme Eleanor Sharpston, avocat général de la Cour européenne de Justice, a rejeté la demande de pourvoi formée par le gouvernement français contre l’arrêt de la CEJ supprimant l’étiquette de terroriste collé à l’OMPI. Elle a confirmé l’arrêt du tribunal et appelé ses 13 juges à suivre son avis. 

EU Court rejects France's appeal to put back the MEK into the terrorist list

 News has come that the High Court in EU, has rejected a long term appeal put forth by France immediately after the MEK was judged out of the EU terror list by the EU High Court in 2009. This is the Statement by NCRI :
Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union rejected France’s appeal against the General Court’s judgment in favor of PMOI, recommended to 13 Judges of the Court to reject it
On Thursday July 14, Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union Miss Eleanor Sharpston considered French government’s appeal against the General Court’s judgment removing the PMOI from the EU terrorist list as unacceptable. She endorsed the General Court’s judgment and asked 13 judges of the Court not to accept the appeal. 

Thursday, 14 July 2011

حكم دادگاه اسپانيا عليه مالكي و احضار سه تن از جنايتكاران به خاطر قتل عام 19فروردين در اشرف

· دادگاه از اد ملكرت نماينده ويژه دبيركل ملل متحد در عراق و استراون استيونسون رئيس  گروه رابطه با عراق در پارلمان اروپا؛ دعوت كرد شهادت بدهند
· مريم رجوي: مالكي هم اكنون بايد به محاصره و همة اقدامهاي سركوبگرانه در اشرف خاتمه بدهد. طبق حكم دادگاه  و بر اساس كنوانسيون چهارم ژنو،  ايالات متحده مسئوليت دارد براي متوقف كردن شكنجه و خشونت و براي ممانعت از يك قتل عام ديگر ، بلادرنگ حفاظت ساكنان اشرف را از دولت و نيروهاي مهاجم عراقي پس بگيرد

TOPNEWS: Spanish National Court issues a writ against Maliki and summons three criminals involved in April 8 massacre in Ashraf

Central Investigation Court Number Four of the Spanish National Court issues a writ against Maliki and summons three criminals involved in April 8 massacre in Ashraf

NCRI Press release : 

 The court invites Ad Melkert, Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Iraq, and Struan Stevenson, President of Delegation for Relations with Iraq of the European Parliament, to stand as witnesses at the court

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

US in dilemma: Iranian Regime or its democratic opposition?


Nothing Justifies US Inaction in Camp Ashraf's Case

"Following crimes against humanity in Ashraf in July 2009 and April 2011, nothing justifies United States' refusal to interfere. The non-interference of the U.S. in Ashraf's case is far more serious and unacceptable than the inaction of Dutch forces in Srebrenica tragedy. Doubtless, the United States, because of its irrefutable responsibility to protect the lives of Ashraf residents, should be the first investigator and inspector, and should answer for the crimes committed by the Iraqi forces."
Extracts of statement released by the offices of NCRI, in view of the looming massacre awaiting Camp Ashraf
Read More  


Tuesday, 12 July 2011

TEXT:Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs:"Massacre at Camp Ashraf: Implications for U.S. Policy"July 7, 2011

Hearing of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs

"Massacre at Camp Ashraf: Implications for U.S. Policy"
Chaired by: Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)
Witnesses: Gary Morsch, Former Commander, Forward Operation Base Ashraf;
Retired Army Colonel Wes Martin, Former Base Commander, Camp Ashraf;
Ray Takeyh, Senior Fellow For Middle Eastern Studies, Council On Foreign Relations
Thursday, July 7, 2011

REPRESENTATIVE DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): Ladies and gentlemen, we will be opening this hearing in a few moments. However, prior to the official hearing, we will have a very short briefing session which you are all permitted to join us in observing. And the briefing session will be via satellite television. And so we will then now proceed with this briefing, which will then be followed by the official hearing of this subcommittee.

525,000 people in Iraq - support Ashraf, Urge UN protectionfor residents

Press Release: National Council of Tribes in Iraq – Diyala ProvinceJuly 2011
The Mojahedin are the esteemed guests of Iraq and Diyala; their presence in Ashraf is a national imperative for Iraqis; their displacement inside Iraq would be a prelude to their massacre.
The secretariat of the National Council of Tribes in Iraq proudly announces that over 525,000 residents across Diyala province have signed a declaration in which they vehemently condemned the brutal attack by forces under Nouri al-Maliki’s command against Ashraf on April 8, 2011.

“Iranian forces waiting at Iraqi border to invade as soon as U.S. forces withdraw” .

Mr. Shakir Kitab, the spokesman for al-Iraqia Coalition and the spokesman for Tariq al-Hashimi, Iraq’s Vice-President warned against Iranian regime’s interventions and said: We must think about the vacuum after withdrawal of the U.S. forces. At the time being, the Iranian forces are waiting at the border to invade as soon as the Americans leave, Al-Iraqia Television reported on July 9.

10,000 Revolutionary Guards cross the Iraqi border

 Following resumption of shelling of Iraqi Kurdistan by mullahs’ regime and the al-Arabia Television’s report about the border crossing and invasion by the Revolutionary Guards into the Iraqi territory, Iraqi media reported that 10,000 Iranian regime’s armed forces crossed the international borders and forced the people in Iraq’s northern villages to leave their homes

Monday, 11 July 2011

Maryam Rajavi Speech at the Italian Parliament .

Source: NCRI

On Wednesday, July 6, 2011, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, attended a conference at the Italian Parliament to speak about the situation in Camp Ashraf. Below is the text of the speech in English:
Elected representatives of the Italian people,
Honorable figures attending the conference,
I am pleased to visit Rome once again to enjoy the Italian people’s warm hospitality.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Live at US congressional Hearing: Camp Ashraf Massacre

LIVESTREAME Massacre at Camp Ashraf: Implications for U.S. Policy - Hearing Livestream

Massacre at Camp Ashraf: Implications for U.S. Policy - Hearing Livestream

LIVE stream at :

Mr. Ambassador Jeffery; Camp Ashraf residents reject US plan for Camp Ashraf- relocation in Iraq is prelude to our massacre

After the idiotic gossips spread of " Washington's Favorite Terrorists" written by mullahs lobbies, we are now confronting rigid, down to earth and bloody realities of the dangers still facing Camp Ashraf. A humanitarian Catastrophe looms.
I am addressing Ambassador Jeffery's good intentions of thinking of a solution for the safety of my friends at Camp Ashraf:

Mr. Ambassador Jeffery,

Thank you for your exceeding concern over our protection at Camp Ashraf, but allow me to express my sentiments to the proposal as bluntly and sincerely as I could : 

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sulaiman al-Jumaili, head of al-Iraqia parliamentary faction speaks about Maliki government’s relations with the Iranian regime and the issue of Camp Ashraf

In an interview with al-Sharqia Television, Sulaiman al-Jumaili, head of al-Iraqia parliamentary faction, the winning coalition in the elections and the largest faction in the Iraqi parliament, answered questions regarding Iraq’s political and security conditions, Maliki government’s relations with the Iranian regime, and the issue of Camp Ashraf. Excerpts from that interview are presented here.

Statement by Majority of Swedish Parliament calls for democratic change in Iran

The Swedish Parliament is among the 41 parliaments and Senates which supported our resistance and denounced the horrific and violent attack on our City Ashraf (CampAshraf) and in another words supported the MEK/PMOI (Mujahedeen-e-Khalq).

Parts of the Statment reads :

Iraqi Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee: Joint Iraqi government and Iranian regime plan for closing Ashraf is “illegal”

Arkan Arshad, an Iraqi MP from al-Iraqia Coalition said: The Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee has not been given any information about the formation of such commission, or about its envisioned functions.

Arshad said: Next week, we will question the government to explain this commission and the nature of its function.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Ireport on Villepinte gathering in support of Ashraf with maryam Rajavi

New Pictures from Great Paris gathering : Maryam Rajavi and Mahin SAREMI, wife of ALI Saremi in support of Ashraf

The picture shows Mahin Saremi, escaped political prisoner and wife of veteran poltical prisoner ALI SAREMI delivers Ali Saremi's last handi craft "a butterfly of freedom" made in prison to Mrs. Rajavi at Great gathering in Villpeinte.

They say that Mahin has just escaped prison, since she was only allowed to participate in the 40th day ceremony of burial of her husband ALI SAREMI.

She had come out and read the support of all political prisoners of the "JUST and POPULAR and BRAVE" Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK) .
She also denounced Ashraf attack since her son is there and her husband was charged to have visited the camp and sentenced to death for being a "Moharebeh" (anti-god) .

She also proved wrong allegations suggesting that the PMOI does not have a popular base in Iran.
The truth is clear and no comments needed.

Some pictures of Camp Ashraf before the brutal attack

camp ashraf city park2-3

This is the City Park

Camp Ashraf city park 4-3

Bear in minde that this is in the middle of a desert!

Camp Ashraf City park-3

This is what we called the "Hafezieh" is symbolic of the Hafez memorial which is in Shirza and is tribute to the famous Iranian poet Hafez.
We built this in that memory with our own resources and manpower.

Camp Ashraf Hafez-3

Ridiculous staged press conference in Iraq to white wash blood of the massacre in our city Ashraf?

On Thursday June 6th, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, run directly by Maliki since few months ago, brought four agents of the mullahs’ Intelligence under the guise of former PMOI members to a ridiculous press show to justify the antihuman crime of April 8th against Ashraf residents, to whitewash bloody hands of Maliki, and to prepare the ground for further massacres.

It is  not surprising to have this staged scenario since a day before this we read on the net that Msolehi  in fars News agency interview :"made his remarks as: “The Iraqi officials have pledged that they will soon take good measures regarding the PMOI and Camp Ashraf… We insist that the Iraqis make decision about Ashraf compound as soon as possible, and they promise to proceed in this regard soon. Of course, they have already done good measures which are admirable; some coordination has been done which we hope would result soon."