An Iranian court has ruled that a man must lose an eye and an ear after he blinded and burnt an ear of another man in an acid attack, newspapers reported Wednesday.
Judge Aziz Mohammadi gave the order against the man, who was only identified as Hamid, after convicting him of throwing acid on the victim, named as Davoud, said the hardline Kayhan newspaper.
The judge also ordered Hamid to pay blood-money for the burn injuries suffered by Davoud, in a ruling issued under the Islamic republic’s eye-for-an-eye justice code…
In November, the Supreme Court upheld a sentence of blinding with acid against a man only named as Mojtaba, who blinded his lover’s husband in the holy city of Qom.
In February 2009, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to be blinded in both eyes for having hurled acid in the face of a university classmate, Ameneh Bahrami, who refused his marriage proposal.
An Iranian court has ruled that a man must lose an eye and an ear after he blinded and burnt an ear of another man in an acid attack, newspapers reported Wednesday.
Judge Aziz Mohammadi gave the order against the man, who was only identified as Hamid, after convicting him of throwing acid on the victim, named as Davoud, said the hardline Kayhan newspaper.
The judge also ordered Hamid to pay blood-money for the burn injuries suffered by Davoud, in a ruling issued under the Islamic republic’s eye-for-an-eye justice code…
In November, the Supreme Court upheld a sentence of blinding with acid against a man only named as Mojtaba, who blinded his lover’s husband in the holy city of Qom.
In February 2009, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to be blinded in both eyes for having hurled acid in the face of a university classmate, Ameneh Bahrami, who refused his marriage proposal.
دادگاه ايران دستور ميدهد، مهاجمي که اسيدپاشي کرده است چشم و گوشش را از دست بدهد
روزنامههاي ايران روز چهارشنبه گزارش دادند، يک دادگاه ايران حکم کرده است تا مردي که در حملهيي با پاشيدن اسيد، چشم نفر ديگري را نابينا کرده و گوشش را سوزانده است بايستي يک چشم و يک گوشش را از دست بدهد.
روزنامه تندروي کيهان گفت، قاضي عزيز محمدي بر عليه مردي که به اسم حميد معرفي شده بعد از مجرم شناختن وي در اسيدپاشي بر روي قرباني که به نام داوود معرفي شده اين حکم را صادر کرده است.
در حکمي که تحت قانون قضايي چشم در مقابل چشم جمهوري اسلامي صادر شده، اين قاضي همچنين به حميد دستور داده است تا خونبهاي جراحاتي که داوود متحمل شده را به وي بپردازد.
روزنامه شرق گفته است، حميد به دادگاه گفته است او داوود را بجاي يک همکلاسي که در دبيرستان در برابرش قلدري ميکرده اشتباهي گرفته است.
اين گزارشات نميگويند که آيا مقامات اين مجازات را با استفاده از اسيد اجرا ميکنند يا خير.
در چند سال گذشته چندين حمله با اسيد در ايران گزارش شده است.
در ماه نوامبر دادگاه عالي حکم نابينا کردن با اسيد را در رابطه با مردي که فقط او را مجتبي معرفي کرده بود تأييد کرد. .. (خبرگزاري فرانسه – 8/10/89)
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