
Saturday, 27 August 2011

De-List MEK: Thousands Rally in Washington DC; Speech By Fromer FBI Chief Mr. Louis Freeh

 Speech By Fromer FBI Chief Mr. Louis Freeh on 26 August - Washington DC

Thank you very much Patrick, Governor, my colleagues here and most importantly thank you to you; you’re a wonderful audience. And thank you Mrs. Rajavi for your eloquence and your 10 point program of freedom that talks about not just fundamental freedoms with freedom of religion freedom of women is just a template of what human rights is all about.
And as I told you in Paris: as soon as this organization is de-listed from what is a mis-listing, we want to come here and I told you I’d give you a tour of the FBI headquarters.You’re great, and our friends and family in many cases in Camp Ashraf hear you and feel your strength and remember the words of the great wartime leader, Winston Churchill, who said never never never never give up.

And your courage, our colleagues, the families of men, women and children in Ashraf, you haven't given up we’re proud to stand by you today and speak to you from this birth of freedom here in Washington DC.
 You know we’re here between an earth quake right and a hurricane, but your voice, your voice for freedom today makes more noise and gets more attention in the building behind us and any hurricane or earthquake. You’re great, you're absolutely great and that’s because you are the voice of freedom, you are the voice of change and isn’t it great here in America, and many other places not in Tehran, you can assemble, you can lobby, you can argue, you to defend your rights and ask for freedom; God bless you for doing that.

De-List MEK: Thaousands Rally In Washington:Colonel Wesley M. Martin

Speech of Colonel Wes Martin (Ret.), Former Base Commander of Camp Ashraf, on 26 August Rally- Washington DC.

Ladies and gentlemen would like to thank the opportunity to be here. I grabbed a quote from Edmund Burke, “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing”. It is a pleasure this morning to be with you doing something to correct a serious wrong, the serious wrong was placing the MeK on the list. That serious wrong continues by keeping them on the list. Keeping them on the list does not support security and liberty throughout the world it supports the repressive Iranian fundamentalist regime. The MeK’s surrendered to American forces, they turned over their weapons, they accepted consolidation at Camp Ashraf, they renounced terrorism, even though they were not terrorists they renounced it as I would renounce it, and they accepted the protected person status.

De-List MEK: Thousands Rally In Washington: Patrick Kennedy

Text of Speech by Patrick Kennedy on 26 August, Washington rally.  
"killing American servicemen and women in Iraq and in Afghanistan make no mistake about it enemy number one is Tehran"

De-List MEK: Thousands Rally In Washington : British MP Brian Binley

Thousands of Iranian - Americans rallied in Washington DC, to demand an end to the shackling of the Iranian opposition: MEK.
The Mujahedin e khalq is a pro-democracy movement whose founders first culminated the MEK after they separated from the popular National Front that went back to the days of Dr. Mohamad Mosadegh – the iconic National leader that nationalized the oil industry and hence helping the poverty stricken Iranian Nation at the time.

Delist MEK: Thousands protests in support of Camp Ashraf

Politicians, former national security officials and thousands of others gathered outside the State Department on Friday to call for the removal of the Mujahedin-e Khalk, an Iranian opposition group, from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.
Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” blasted from large speakers and doves and clouds of confetti flew into the air as former congressman Patrick J. Kennedy (D-R.I.) introduced the group’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, to speak by video link from Paris.

“I salute your protest and gathering, which symbolizes an uprising for the freedom of the Iranian people,” said Rajavi, speaking in Farsi.
The controversial group, usually called by the acronym MEK, is made up of exiled Iranian dissidents who organized in the 1960s and now are mounting a political and legal campaign to end their designation as terrorists.
The group violently opposed the rule of the shah and initially supported the Islamist regime that came to power in 1979, but they became disillusioned with the theocracy and eventually fled amid growing hostility.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Former Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) emceed the rally in front of the State Department headquarters. The event also featured speeches by former Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA), former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former CIA Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations John Sano. "One of the greatest moments was when my uncle, President [John F.] Kennedy, stood in Berlin and uttered the immortal words ‘Ich bin ein Berliner,'" Kennedy exclaimed. "Today, I'm honored to repeat my uncle's words, by saying [translated from Farsi] ‘I am an Iranian,' ‘I am an Ashrafi."

Thousands of participants chanted “Delist MEK now” as speakers emphasized that the FTO List has contributed immensely to recent death toll in Iran and in Iraq of MEK members of families.

A huge crowd moved into the pavement with yellow banners that represent MEK gatherings with the distinct slogan: "Delist the MEK" on every portable item.

Former Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) emceed the rally in front of the State Department headquarters.

The event also featured speeches by former Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA), former FBI Director Louis Freeh, former CIA Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations John Sano.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Installing new trailers south of Ashraf to increase psychological torture

New attempts to increase psychological torture on a Camp:
The Camp is not turned from a city with refugees in them to a concentration camp! by Maliki forces in Iran at the behest of the Vicious mullahs in Iran.
The objective is to eradicate 4 generations of dissidents in that camp.
The pretext is that these people are in the US terrorist list and therefore liable to any treatment since they are terrorists.
The reality is that these people are only dissidents to the mullahs in Iran who have escaped at least 30 years ago from execution. Most of them have their relatives executed or have them now in prisons under torture.
They are the survivors of a holocaust in which 30 000 were hanged, executed or mutilated under order by the Pasdaran ( Iranian guards). This is documented and famous event of the 1988 massacre in Iran.

Right now :
On August 11,  Iraqi forces have installed two trailers at a new compound to station agents of the Iranian regime's Ministry of Intelligence and Security at Ashraf’s southern flank. It has been 20 months now since MOIS agents have inflicted psychological torture on Ashraf residents day and night through 300 loudspeakers, depriving them of any sleep and threatening them with further attacks and massacres. Gathering information on additional sites inside Ashraf and preparations for the next probable attack is another objective pursued by the MOIS agents in installing these trailers.
Iraqi forces used Army cranes and vehicles to transfer the trailers and building materials to the site. They have also carried out preparations to install new towers to increase the number of loudspeakers already installed around Camp Ashraf.

The Iranian regime has sent e,ements long time ago to brew chaos around the camp in order to provide a situation or a prext for an attack by the miliatry that is already stationed there. 

 Danai-Far, the Iranian regime’s ambassador to Iraq and an MOIS agent by the name of Haj Ali on August 8th paid a visit to the Jadide Shat district of the town of Khalis located near Ashraf. Under the pretext of hosting a dinner party, they paid a number of their Iraqi elements to encourage them to file legal complaints and claim compensation from Ashraf residents based on ridiculous grounds such as “occupying agricultural lands” that belong to them. This measure is intended to pave the road for further attacks against Ashraf residents. Danai-far has promised to provide fabricated and forged documents for them.

Iraqi forces steal our power generators in Camp Ashraf instead of securing us!!

The Iraqi forces on August 11th stole a generator from one of the occupied buildings in Ashraf’s northern section. This generator is valued at tens of thousands of dollars and it is now placed at the disposal of MOIS agents at their new site at Ashraf’s southern flank. This is while the Iraqi government in an inhumane act is obstructing the delivery of fuel to Ashraf.

Is the International "EYE" going to watch, as we are being stricken of all we have to give us life and food?
At the moment the temperature reaches 60 degrees at time in our city. We had baught all the generators without one money and hard labor. These thieves ordered by Al-Maliki, are stealing our bungalows, cars, generators, trying to make life impossible in Camp Ashraf.
They have stolen up to 9 million dollars worth of generators and bungalows some which were supposed to give us air, cool the clinic which houses critically ill people and also keep our food.
Is the world going to be silent?
Is this a gradual death under the nose of the United Nations Monitoring team that is supposed to keep control of the situation?
Will they for once report the truth of the harsh realities that we are facing in the Camp because of Al-Maliki siege on our city? 

Thursday, 11 August 2011

106th Day of si-in at UN in Geneva: Iranians ask UN to prevent Massacre of my friends

Iranians have been protesting in front of the UN - Geneva, for the silence it has kept over the massacre that took place in my city Ashraf on April 9th. I and 35 others were killed. (I know it sounds strange).
 They shout : UN, UN take Action, ensure Ashraf protection
But.. UN is still SILENT !
I was thinking: ... Are we going to be the next Srebrenica??
Is the world going to wait and watch? or are they actually paving the way for a bloodshed?

I am remembering the scenes: Utmost viciousness on behalf of the Maliki forces, and maximum tolerance and bravery on behalf of my friends. The Iraqi thugs - or military- had attacked with bullets, sticks and Humvees as well as sharpshooters, where as we?.. Well we had our placards in hand asking them to respect our basic rights.

Attempts to demonise supporters of Iranian resistance

Finacial Times:

From Lord Archer of Sandwell and Lord Fraser of Carmyllie.
This letter is a responce to an article written by NIAC memebrs ( a known mullahs Lobby that works with the State Department to bring US policy inline with Tehran)

Sir, Your article “Favourite ‘terrorists’ in US focus on lobbying” (July 30) and its complementary piece on, “Heavyweights back Iranian exile group”, repeat the Iranian regime’s stale allegations against the main organised opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (Mujahedin-e-Khalq) and do a disservice to the Financial Times’ record of unbiased journalism. They are part of an effort by Iran’s intelligence ministry to demonise the supporters of the Iranian resistance.

SADEQPOUR: Tehran tries to shoot the messengers

 I would recommend this article :

In the past few weeks, Washington has been abuzz with a heated debate over the main Iranian opposition, the People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
On the face of it, the debate is on removing the MEK from the list of the State Department’s foreign terrorist organizations - a decision that reportedly will be made soon by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In reality, to delist or not to delist Tehran’s arch-opponents is the battleground for a more profound debate in Washington on how to deal with Iran’s mullahs. The clerical regime’s egregious behavior includes facilitating operation of al Qaeda in the region through an agreement with the vicious terrorist group (as established by the U.S. Treasury Department last week), its unimpeded drive to acquire nuclear weapons, meddling in affairs of other countries - Iraq, in particular - acting as the most active state sponsor of terrorism, and its ruthless crackdown of Iranian citizens.
Read from original 

Iranian People Voice: Prevent Camp Ashraf Massacre delist MEK

Written by Javad Shafaei, former political prisoner in Iran who spent years in prison and witnessed untold violence.
Translation: Paymaneh  Shafei 

I am a formal political prisoner, who spent more than 6 years of my life in Evin and Ghezelhesar prisons.
I have tasted the bitterness of torture in most gruesome way imaginable.  During all these years, I have been tortured and interrogated 9 times, and undergone false executions twice, a common method used to achieve mental anguish.  The pain of the physical and mental torment is unforgettable, and I will suffer from it all the rest of my life. 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Former U.S. Officials vs. Mullahs Apologists Over Mujahedin e Khalq

Tehran lobbies, and apologists have recently been hard at work to use fictitious " hypothesise", ruled out by factualists in the "real" events of Iranian uprising and its follow ups.
A round table of disillusioned pundits who try to imitate Gobble, master propagandist of the Nazi regime, forget that we live in the era of Democratic Gales, which judge mostly on "Deeds" and not "disenchanted absurd words and accusations."
I never encountered "Bassiji" pundits in suits and cravats before escaping Iran. Reading accusations and absurdities in a wave of slanders targeting Iran's main capable opposition (MEK) that has practically withstood ten-time more such follies by the mullahs, was history for me.
Read More

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Dear Hillary,I am afraid I am going to be murdered

Dear Hillary,
My name is Shaghayegh.
I am 14 and live in Camp Ashraf, Iraq.
I am afraid I am 
going to be murdered

My father was tortured to
death by Iranian government
in 2008 since he was a
supporter of Mujahedine-
Khalq (MEK) opposition
movement. So was my sister,
Faezeh, 20 who was killed
along with 35 others by Iraqi
forces in Camp Ashraf on
April 8.
US Congressmen were
prevented from visiting us
here in Ashraf after the
Now I await my fate in Camp
Ashraf with my mother, two
brothers and 3,400 other men
and women. The U.S. had promised
us PROTECTION! Instead, the
State Department has listed us as
terrorists, the excuse for Iraqi
government to murder us.

Save us 
by removing the MEK fromthe State Department terrorist list.

MEK provides hope for Iranian people

This is an article about my father's organisation its grass root support within the "real" Iranian dissidents in Iran: Those who have a HAND in the protests and actions in Iran and not whose who subside with the present regime and pretend to be the "". opposition."

The landmark is clear:  Deeds and not Words.!

For the Iraian people,  it is crystal clear:  As many a times in our history  we have had "leaches" who would suck off the sides and belly of those who work their hearts out on the streets and the prisons. Then they would at the same time knife them in the back.

One prominent characteristic of these "leach like" person is that they will,  at any time turn against their own friends and therefore are not reliable at all. ( I am speaking of "things such as NIAC, TritaParis- they do not fulfil the aptitude of an individual to be called one!) .

We shall hear the truth from those who have come from the eye of the storm and really have a hand in events in Iran - Unlike outsiders such as Maziar Bahari,  and bassiji boys at the Capitol Hill.

Friday, 5 August 2011

MEK provides hope for Iranian people


By Sadegh Sistani
Mr. Sistani has been a prominent political prisoner who escaped Iranian dungeons in April 2011 and has endured 17 years and 8 months of torture and interrogation by the Iranian Intelligence service

Much has been said and discussed about the MEK/PMOI in the press and among policy makers, some behind closed doors and others in high-level diplomatic meetings. The most prominent Iranian opposition group (Mojahedin as known by the Iranian people) is a main battleground which will determine lives of millions in Iran and the whole region.

The charge that the MEK has no support in Iran is, frankly, baseless.
The 2009 uprisings and latest official purge within the clerical hierarchy leave no doubt for appeasers that democracy is void in Iran and therefore it would be only self suicide for any Iranian to display an iota of sympathy for the MEK, which is classified as “Moharebe”* by a fatwa released by Khomeini.

I endured 17 years of prison and torture under the clerical regime in Iran.

During the 2009 uprisings, I met in prison tens of youth, tortured and beaten and accused of correlating and working with the MEK. We were submerged in a wave of desperate negative propaganda against the organization. Press titles read:” The commander of Ashura day incidents was the PMOI and rioters chanted their slogans” and that” Saying no to Velayat-e Faqih (Iranian Supreme Leader) means that you have accepted the rule of Maryam Rajavi instead.”

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