Speech By Fromer FBI Chief Mr. Louis Freeh on 26 August - Washington DC
Thank you very much Patrick, Governor, my colleagues here and most importantly thank you to you; you’re a wonderful audience. And thank you Mrs. Rajavi for your eloquence and your 10 point program of freedom that talks about not just fundamental freedoms with freedom of religion freedom of women is just a template of what human rights is all about.
And as I told you in Paris: as soon as this organization is de-listed from what is a mis-listing, we want to come here and I told you I’d give you a tour of the FBI headquarters.You’re great, and our friends and family in many cases in Camp Ashraf hear you and feel your strength and remember the words of the great wartime leader, Winston Churchill, who said never never never never give up.
And your courage, our colleagues, the families of men, women and children in Ashraf, you haven't given up we’re proud to stand by you today and speak to you from this birth of freedom here in Washington DC.
You know we’re here between an earth quake right and a hurricane, but your voice, your voice for freedom today makes more noise and gets more attention in the building behind us and any hurricane or earthquake. You’re great, you're absolutely great and that’s because you are the voice of freedom, you are the voice of change and isn’t it great here in America, and many other places not in Tehran, you can assemble, you can lobby, you can argue, you to defend your rights and ask for freedom; God bless you for doing that.